Case Study


Educational communication built on trust

The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust are proud to continue the Church of England’s work providing high quality education in a caring and nurturing environment. Their vision is for every child to flourish and be introduced to the richness of human experience.

Studio Nova support DEMAT with a coherant and visually identifiable brand identity, delivered through different forms of collateral. We’ve worked with them to develop the Trust’s brand, as well as designing multiple printed brochures for different audiences.

→ Brochures

→ Signage

→ Posters

→ Leaflets

→ Stationery

→ Business cards

→ Prospectus

Thank you for the creation of the designs and for all the (numerous) amendments - we really do appreciate all the work that you have put into these documents for us.
Adrian Ball
Chief Executive Officer, DEMAT
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